Samin Nosrat


Samin Nosrat

What more can we possibly say about having had the chance to spend the most *amazing* afternoon hanging out the one & only Samin Nosrat at the Brooklyn Grange?!

You just moved into the most amazing house in Oakland! You mentioned you want to plant some fruit trees, what would your dream orchard look like? What trees would you have?

Figs, Persian Mulberries, Blenheim Apricots, Rubired and Gravenstein Apples, Meyer Lemons, Persian Limes, Kishu Mandarins. SO MUCH FRUIT!!!

You have a strawberry shortcake, do you eat the strawberry FIRST or LAST?


You're coming over to MY place for dinner and I'm cookin'! The choice is btwn frozen burrito, cereal, fancy cat food or Haagen Daz. What'll you be having?

Frozen bean and cheese burrito followed by coffee Haagen Dazs!!!