Chelito Villaflor


Chelito Villaflor

Literally nothing beats a day trotting around DTLA with our buddies Chelito & his side kick Georgie. ;)

You & your husband Chris own the most beautiful little shop out in Ojai, would love to hear the inspiration for that and how it came about!

After my suggestion of putting products in their retail shop, our dear friend Kenny Osehan of the Shelter Social Club, instead suggested that we open up our own shop in the retail lobby area of the Ojai Rancho Inn and The Alamo Motel and we said yes. I have my full time job in beauty distribution and Chris is in event planning world and has his own company staffing for events, so we didn't know how we would make it work.

The weekend we opened shop was during the Thomas Fires, so we were so hesitant, but we did it anyway! Here we are one year later, Eskina still standing and selling things you need: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, skincare and things you want: Heidi Anderson Totem ceramic, United Other rope incense , Miriam Dema leather squash blossom necklace, etc. but we have created some fun events in Ojai and in LA with our little project with more to come in the new year.

Please tell us a funny Georgie story. What is the naughtiest thing she has ever done?

Peeing on a brutalist fur piece of furniture at a Rick Owens store event is one of the most rebellious things she has done. But I work for David Pirrotta Brands showroom off Sunset Blvd. It's a very dog friendly office, so our doors are open and the dogs never really walk out.

But, one day Georgie decided to walk down the stairs, step out for a sniff and stroll, and crossed Sunset Blvd. My co-worker, Viktoria, happened to be out on a walk break and noticed her and called for her. Georgie looked at her and nonchalantly pranced away like she was busy doing her thing. Viktoria scooped her up and I didn't even know she was gone until she walked in holding her! So naughty. Doors closed policy moving forward.

Wildcard! Tell us something totally random & super entertaining!

I have had two very recent conversations with separate friends on this same Asian old wives tale. Growing up Filipino in the US, our parents brainwashed us to believe that if we squeezed our noses and the ridge religiously, we would attain a tall and slender schnoz. My sister's nose is slender and tall and I still have a small and flat nose. Ha!