Chell Fish


Chell Fish

We had the best time this week getting to know & play dress up with Michele Mirisola the mad genius behind Chell Fish.


You have the most insanely unique work! Can you tell us a little more about how you came to start working with painting shells & clay?

I made my first ever shell plate as part of the set-up for a still life painting. I wanted something luxurious to hold raspberries. I love Dutch paintings from the 1600s where shells and food are all mixed together. I think the plate was more interesting than the painting I made and my friends loved them too and wanted their own. My blue color is this universal hue that invokes so much history. Now I sort of play in that world and try to make more outrageous stuff--pushing what is art and what is a useful object.

As an NYC native, do you feel that the city influences your work? If so, how?

Absolutely! On grey cold days I think I should be in a seaside town, but then I meet up with a friend or go to an opening and I'm reminded why I love being here. The proximity to other artists is inspiring, everyone is making something wild. I go to a museum or a gallery show very often so I get to see the old and the new.

Favorite way to eat oysters? Your favorite spots for oysters in the city?

I love a happy hour deal, Pips and Ten Bells are both great. My most favorite way to eat oysters is on my roof in the summer, shucking them fresh for some friends just with lemon or horseradish. I think Island Creek Oysters are delicious.