Working in the Brooklyn Navy Yard is pretty great! Especially when we have so many amazing neighbors and fellow small businesses that we've had the pleasure of getting to know, such as Rob & Anthony of Transmitter Brewing who just happen to be the loveliest people and also happen to make the *best* dang beer. :)
Transmitter Brewing

How did you get into brewing?
Anthony has been home brewing since the 90’s. He took break from it after having 2 kids, but I thought it would be fun to home-brew and talked him
into starting to brew again bout 10 years ago. We home-brewed together for a few years, liked most of what we made and Transmitter Brewing was founded in 2013, the rest is history so to speak.

What does a typical work day look like?
The cool thing about brewing is there is no typical work day. That being said it's all pretty hard work. As a small business owner you wear many hats. Whether it's brewing beer, packaging beer, selling beer, working the tasting room, etc. There are so many things to juggle every day. The cool thing about it is there really are no two days alike. Did I mention it's really hard work?

Do you have a favorite type of beer to brew?
The physical brew day is pretty much the same for almost every beer we make. The ingredients change of course, but the process stays the same. But I definitely have favorite types of beer to drink and that's a whole other story. Let's leave it at, my favorite one is the cold one in my hand.